Consumer Information
Consumer Assistance
For technical assistance with this product call 1-888-892-6123 or visit and enter the product number: M6635 or P5123
in the guided search box. Write to us at: Fisher-Price® Consumer Relations,
636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora, New York 14052.
• Keep water, sand and dirt off of this toy.
• Wipe the toy with a soft, clean cloth. Do not immerse this toy.
• This toy has no consumer serviceable parts. Please do not take this toy apart.
• Do not drop this toy on hard surfaces.
• Store the pen in the hole on top of the Computer Cool School keyboard.
For countries outside the United States:
Questions? 1-888-892-6123. Mattel Canada Inc., 6155 Freemont Blvd.,
Mattel UK Ltd, Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead SL6 4UB.
Mattel Australia Pty. Ltd., 658 Church Street, Locked Bag #870, Richmond,
Victoria 3121 Australia. Consumer Advisory Service 1300 135 312.
16-18 William Pickering Drive, Albany 1331, Auckland.
Mattel East Asia Ltd, Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre,
Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, HK, China.
Mattel Europa, B.V., Gondel 1, 1186 MJ Amstelveen, Nederland.
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System ............... Microsoft® Windows Vista™ or Windows XP
Processor............................ 1.2GHz
Memory .............................. 256MB RAM
Hard Drive........................... 200MB available
Video Resolution ................ 800x600 32-bit color DirectX9.0c compatible
Sound ................................. 16-bit DirectX compatible
CD or DVD drive
USB port ............................. 1.1
Recommended: Printer, Internet Connection (for software updates)
One (1) Year Limited Warranty
Fisher-Price®, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora, New York 14052 warrants
Computer Cool School is free from all defects in material and workmanship when
used under normal conditions for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
Should the product fail to perform properly, we will repair or replace it at our option,
free of charge. Purchaser is responsible for shipping the product to Consumer
Relations at the address indicated above and for all associated freight and insurance
cost. Fisher-Price®, Inc. will bear the cost of shipping the repaired or replaced item to
you. This warranty is void if the owner repairs or modifies the product. This warranty
excludes any liability other than that expressly stated above including but not limited to
any incidental or consequential damages.
FCC Statement
(United States Only)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Note: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
• This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
• Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
• Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003
du Canada.
• L’utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes:
(1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit être
prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est
susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.
Installing Software
• Before inserting the CD-ROM, insert the USB cord for Computer Cool School
keyboard into the USB port on your computer.
• If you have multiple logons on your computer, be sure the logon you are using
has Administrator privileges. You will need Administrator privileges to install
this software.
• Insert the Computer Cool School CD into the CD-ROM or DVD drive of
your computer.
• The software installer launches automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions
to complete installation.
• You will be asked to set a password as part of the installation process. Refer to
page 8 for instructions to set a password.
Note: You need to install all components to use this software.
• If installation of the software does not launch automatically, go to the “Start”
menu, click on “Run” and type “D:\setup”.
Note: If you are using Windows Vista , you will need to restart your computer
after installing the software.
Uninstalling Software
• Click on the following items (in order):
- “Start” menu on your computer taskbar
- “Programs”
- “Fisher-Price”
- “Computer Cool School”
- “Uninstall Computer Cool School”
Connecting to Your Computer
• Insert the USB cord into the USB port on your computer, generally marked
with this symbol
Note: If the USB plug does not seem to fit into your computer USB port, turn it
over and try again!
Start/Exit the Software
• Press the system launch button
located on the top of the
Computer Cool School keyboard to launch the software.
• Press the system launch button
exit the software, or click on
on the Computer Cool School keyboard to
on the Sign-In screen.
• You can leave the Computer Cool School keyboard plugged in until the next
time you use it, or you can unplug the USB cord from your computer.
Set Parental Controls
Parental Controls Icon
Parental Controls Screen
• To set-up or change parental controls, click on Parental Controls icon, located
on the Sign-In screen.
Set the following options on the parental controls screen:
• Protect access to your desktop and hard drive by setting a password.
• Type your password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Select a hint to help you remember your password.
Note: If you set a password, you cannot enter Parental Controls or exit the
software without entering the password.
Background Music
• Click to turn the background music on or off.
Volume Control
• Click and drag the control button to turn the volume up or down.
• Select a subject on the bottom of the bulletin board to view printouts for
that subject. Click on the sheet you’d like to print. Click on the arrows to view
more printouts.
• Click on the
to go back to the Parental Controls.
Number of Prints
• Click on the arrows to select the number of printouts for each session. Choose
a number from 1 to 20 or select unlimited. If you do not make a choice, the
number of prints defaults to unlimited.
System Information
• View information about your software, operating system, firmware
and accessories.
• Click on the
to exit Parental Controls.
Pen Preferences
• Adjust the pen cord to make writing
easier for “lefties” or “righties”!
Groove for
• Turn the product over. Insert the
pen cord into the Y-shaped groove
to direct the cord to the left for
left-handed users or to the right
for right-handed users.
Groove for
Software Selection Screen
• First click on a highlighted area on the chalkboard.
• Then, type your name and click on a picture.
Note: If you have already created a sign-in, simply click on your name to enter the
main classroom. If you do not want to create a sign-in, click the green arrow to
enter as a guest. You will not be able to save any work when signed in as a guest.
• Click on the trash can to erase a name from the chalkboard. If you erase a name,
you will lose any work saved under that name.
• Click on Leo’s door to go to the classroom.
Note: The other doors on the software selection screen are only active if you have
purchased and installed additional software titles.
Parent Tips
The Parent Tips folder cannot be accessed when you are using the
Computer Cool School program. Please be sure to exit the program first.
To access the Parent Tips folder go to:
Computer Cool School
Parental Tips
Leo’s Classroom Parental Tips
Parent Tips
• From the Parent Tips main screen, click on any link to access that learning
center’s section.
• Each learning center section contains information on many activities you
can do with your child.
Computer Cool School Keyboard
Learning Center Buttons
Art Tools
Writing Tablet
Classroom Button
is button
to start the software.
tton to go to the classroom during
Reading and Writing
Learning Center Buttons – Press any of the
Note: You can only use the learning cente
select learning centers with the pen or yo
Art Tools – Press these buttons for Erase, B
Note: These buttons do not work in every c
to choose and print activity sheets for
on to access Parental Controls and in the
access the art gallery.
on to go on a field trip!
et. Push the tip of the pen straight down
Practice writing letters and numbers with
a template under the writing tablet cover.
number with the pen.
the writing tablet to put a template on the
old it in place.
Leo’s Door
Exit Button
Software Selection Screen
Classroom Screen
• To enter the classroom, first sign-in (see page 9). Next, click on Leo’s door
to go to the classroom.
• Move the pen on the tablet to explore the classroom. Press the tip of
the pen straight down and then release to make selections.
• Press any learning center button on the Computer Cool School keyboard
to enter an activity.
• Click on the exit button to return to the software selection screen.
Reading and Writing Center
Writing Icon
Repeat Button
Back Arrow
Forward Arrow
Reading Center
• Listen to the sentence and click on a sticker to complete the sentence.
Pick a different sticker for a new sentence!
Note: Click on the repeat button to hear the sentence again.
• Turn the page for the next letter or number. Click on an arrow on the bottom of
the page.
• Press a letter or number on the keyboard to go to that page.
• From the reading center, click on the writing icon to practice writing your letters
and numbers.
• When finished, press the classroom button
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
on the Computer Cool School
Writing Center
• Listen for the name of the letter shown, the sound it makes and watch the
screen to see how to write it.
Note: For younger preschoolers, place the writing templates under the
writing tablet cover to trace the letters.
• Write the letter on the writing tablet.
• Press the Erase button
on the Computer Cool School keyboard to
clear the screen and practice the same letter again.
• Click on the arrows to practice a different letter. Practice all the letters in
upper and lower case, then practice writing numbers!
Note: You can also press a letter or number on the keyboard. Press the
same button twice to shift from upper case to lower case, or press and
hold the SHIFT key with the letter button!
• When finished, click on the reading icon to return to the storybook.
Press the classroom button
on the Computer Cool School
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button
for a different activity.
Math Center
• Choose level 1, 2 or 3. Click on your choice with the pen.
• Help load the truck with the correct number and shape of objects.
Level 1 – Match the shapes on the truck to the shapes on the train.
Click on the matching shape every time it passes until you have enough
to fill the truck.
Level 2 – Count the number of shapes you need in the truck and click on
the train car with the same number.
Level 3 – Complete the addition problem and click on the train car with the
correct answer.
• Load as many trucks as you can before time runs out! Click on the green arrow to
make the train go faster, or click on the yellow arrow to slow it down.
• Check your score to see how many trucks you filled.
• When finished, press the classroom button
on the Computer Cool School
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
Art Center
• Use the pen and the writing tablet to draw pictures.
• Press the buttons above the writing tablet on the Computer Cool School
keyboard to customize your pictures.
Backgrounds – Press this button
your picture.
to choose a background image for
Tools – Press this button
to choose an effect for your pen: pencil,
marker, paintbrush, spray paint or erasers.
Colors – Press this button
to choose the color for your tool.
Stampers – Press this button
on your picture.
to select different images to “stamp”
Hint: First, type letters or numbers on Computer Cool School™ keyboard.
Then click the pen to place your picture. You can also “stamp” letters or
numbers onto your picture .
Erase – Press this button
to erase your picture and start a new one.
Note: This button will erase the entire drawing. If you want to erase part of
your picture, press the Tools button and choose the pencil eraser.
Print – Press this button
to print your pictures or save them in the Gallery.
Note: To open a saved picture, press the Print + button
on Gallery.
and click
• When finished, press the classroom button
on the Computer Cool School
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
Music Center
Select Arrows
Song Select Buttons
Tempo Buttons
• Click on an instrument to learn about it and hear the different notes it plays.
• Click on the 1, 2 or 3 button for a song to play along with Leo. Click on any of the
instruments during the song to turn them on or off.
Note: You can also press the letters on the keyboard to play along with the
selected instrument with Leo.
• Click on the drum buttons at the bottom of the screen to change the tempo of the
song to slow, medium or fast.
• Click on the 1, 2 or 3 button again to stop the song.
• Choose an instrument to play a scale. Click on the instrument select arrows to
choose an instrument. Then, click on a note on the scale to hear that instrument
play it.
Note: You can also press the letters on the keyboard to hear different notes from
that instrument.
• When finished, press the classroom button
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
on the Computer Cool School
Science Center
Habitat Buttons
• Click on a wild habitat button and listen to all the fun facts about the plants and
animals that live there.
• Click on a word to hear it spoken, or click on a plant or animal to hear facts
about them.
• Click on the “?” button to play a game. When the game is over you will return to
the explore screen.
• When finished, press the classroom button
on the Computer Cool School
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
Field Trip
• Press the field trip button
a field trip to the farm.
on the Computer Cool School keyboard to take
• Use the pen to explore the farm! Click on any item to explore the farm! Click on
the turtle or tractor for a game or activity. After the game or
activity, click on the
to go back to the explore screen.
• Click on the sun to change the activity to nighttime. Some of the animals are
sleeping and are no longer active. Click on the moon to return to a daytime activity.
Hint: Move the pen or mouse to the left and right edges of the screen to explore even
more on the farm!
• When finished, press the classroom button
keyboard to return to the classroom or press another learning center button for
a different activity.
on the Computer Cool School
Troubleshooting Guide
Cannot install software
You need administrator privileges to install this software.
Software did not begin automatically installing. Double click the “My Computer”
icon on your desktop. Then, double click the CD ROM icon labeled “FPCCS.” Next,
click “Setup.exe” and follow the on-screen installation instructions.
Program freezes (pen does
not work)
On your computer keyboard, hold down the Control, Alt and Delete keys on your
computer keyboard at the same time. Click the “Task Manager,” select “FPCCS” and
then click “End Task.” Restart the software (see page 7).
You will need to reset the electronics if the product/program malfunctions. Unplug
the USB cord from your computer. Then, reinsert the USB cord into the USB port
on your computer.
You will need to reset the electronics if the product/program malfunctions. Unplug
the USB cord from your computer. Then, reinsert the USB cord into the USB port
on your computer.
When drawing a straight line
with the pen, it appears jagged
on your computer screen
Please seek technical assistance by visiting
or call 1-888-892-6123.
Cannot print
Make sure printer power is ON.
Check “Print Controls” (press the Print Button on the keyboard, select “Parent
Controls” and then select “Printables”). Make sure the print limit is set to at least 1.
No sound (audio)
Make sure your computer audio driver is up-to-date. Check your computer
manufacturer’s website.
Turn up your speaker volume.
Make sure volume control is set correctly in the Parental Controls.
Cannot access Parent Tips
The Parent Tips folder cannot be accessed when you are using the
Computer Cool School™ program. Please be sure to exit the program first.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries
Windows Vista is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Fisher-Price, Inc., a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc., East Aurora, NY 14052 U.S.A.
©2010 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ® and TM designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
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