Introduction ........................................................................................ 7
About this document......................................................................................... 7
Document conventions.................................................................................. 7
Fortinet Knowledge Center .......................................................................... 9
Backing up configuration files ....................................................................... 11
Setup Wizard.................................................................................................... 11
FortiLog name change .................................................................................... 11
LCD display changes ...................................................................................... 11
Web-based manager changes........................................................................ 12
USB support..................................................................................................... 14
Other ................................................................................................................. 14
System.............................................................................................................. 17
Status.......................................................................................................... 18
Network....................................................................................................... 18
Config.......................................................................................................... 18
Admin.......................................................................................................... 19
Virtual Domain............................................................................................. 20
Router ............................................................................................................... 21
Static ........................................................................................................... 21
Dynamic ...................................................................................................... 21
Monitor ........................................................................................................ 22
Firewall ............................................................................................................. 22
Address....................................................................................................... 22
Service ........................................................................................................ 22
Virtual IP...................................................................................................... 22
Protection Profiles....................................................................................... 22
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
VPN ................................................................................................................... 23
IPSec .......................................................................................................... 23
SSL ............................................................................................................. 23
Certificates.................................................................................................. 23
Local ........................................................................................................... 24
Windows AD ............................................................................................... 24
User Group ................................................................................................. 24
Antivirus........................................................................................................... 25
File Pattern.................................................................................................. 25
Quarantine .................................................................................................. 25
Intrusion Protection (formerly IPS)................................................................ 25
Anomaly...................................................................................................... 26
Protocol Decoder ........................................................................................ 26
Web Filter ......................................................................................................... 26
Content Block.............................................................................................. 26
URL Filter.................................................................................................... 26
FortiGuard-Web Filter ................................................................................. 26
AntiSpam (formerly Spam Filter) ................................................................... 27
Banned word............................................................................................... 28
Black/White list............................................................................................ 28
IM/P2P (new) .................................................................................................... 28
User ............................................................................................................ 29
Log & Report.................................................................................................... 29
Log Config................................................................................................... 29
Log Access ................................................................................................. 30
Report ......................................................................................................... 30
HA ..................................................................................................................... 30
SNMP MIBs and traps changes...................................................................... 31
Backing up your configuration ...................................................................... 33
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrading your FortiGate unit ....................................................................... 34
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0 ............................................................................ 34
Verifying the upgrade.................................................................................. 36
Verifying the downgrade ............................................................................. 38
Restoring your configuration ......................................................................... 40
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
About this document
Over the past year, Fortinet has been developing, testing and refining a new
operating system for your FortiGate unit. FortiOS 3.0 is a more dynamic and
robust operating system, offering you even better protection, blocking and
monitoring features for your network.
The Upgrade Guide provides you with information on FortiOS 3.0, and addresses
any issues that may arise concerning your current configuration. With these new
features, and improvements to existing features, you need to know how they may
or may not affect your current configuration.The guide provides you with
information on backing up your current configuration, and installing
FortiOS 3.0, on your FortiGate unit.
About this document
This document contains the following chapters:
Upgrade Notes – Provides information on changes and new features for
FortiOS 3.0.
New features and changes – Provides information on what has changed from
FortiOS v2.80MR11.
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0 – Describes how to install FortiOS 3.0, including
addressing issues about FortiOS 3.0, backing up your current configuration
settings, re-establishing connections after the upgrade, and verifying the
upgrade installed successfully.
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11 – Describes how to downgrade your
FortiGate unit to FortiOS v2.80MR11 and includes how to restore your
configuration settings for FortiOS v2.80MR11.
Document conventions
The following document conventions are used in this guide:
In the examples, private IP addresses are used for both private and public IP
Notes and Cautions are used to provide important information:
Note: Highlights useful additional information.
Caution: Warns you about commands or procedures that could have unexpected or
undesirable results including loss of data or damage to equipment.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Fortinet documentation
Typographic conventions
FortiGate documentation uses the following typographical conventions:
Keyboard input
In the Gateway Name field, type a name for the remote VPN
peer or client (for example, Central_Office_1).
Code examples
config sys global
set ips-open enable
CLI command syntax
config firewall policy
edit id_integer
set http_retry_count <retry_integer>
set natip <address_ipv4mask>
Document names
Menu commands
Program output
FortiGate Administration Guide
Go to VPN > IPSEC > Phase 1 and select Create New.
Fortinet documentation
The most up-to-date publications and previous releases of Fortinet product
documentation are available from the Fortinet Technical Documentation web site
FortiGate QuickStart Guide
Provides basic information about connecting and installing a FortiGate unit.
FortiGate Installation Guide
Describes how to install a FortiGate unit. Includes a hardware reference,
default configuration information, installation procedures, connection
procedures, and basic configuration procedures. Choose the guide for your
product model number.
FortiGate Administration Guide
Provides basic information about how to configure a FortiGate unit, including
how to define FortiGate protection profiles and firewall policies; how to apply
intrusion prevention, antivirus protection, web content filtering, and spam
filtering; and how to configure a VPN.
FortiGate online help
Provides a context-sensitive and searchable version of the Administration
Guide in HTML format. You can access online help from the web-based
manager as you work.
FortiGate CLI Reference
Describes how to use the FortiGate CLI and contains a reference to all
FortiGate CLI commands.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Customer service and technical support
Message Reference describes the structure of FortiGate log messages and
provides information about the log messages that are generated by FortiGate
FortiGate High Availability User Guide
Contains in-depth information about the FortiGate high availability feature and
the FortiGate clustering protocol.
FortiGate IPS User Guide
Describes how to configure the FortiGate Intrusion Prevention System settings
and how the FortiGate IPS deals with some common attacks.
FortiGate IPSec VPN User Guide
Provides step-by-step instructions for configuring IPSec VPNs using the web-
based manager.
FortiGate SSL VPN User Guide
Compares FortiGate IPSec VPN and FortiGate SSL VPN technology, and
describes how to configure web-only mode and tunnel-mode SSL VPN access
for remote users through the web-based manager.
FortiGate PPTP VPN User Guide
Explains how to configure a PPTP VPN using the web-based manager.
FortiGate Certificate Management User Guide
Contains procedures for managing digital certificates including generating
certificate requests, installing signed certificates, importing CA root certificates
and certificate revocation lists, and backing up and restoring installed
certificates and private keys.
FortiGate VLANs and VDOMs User Guide
Describes how to configure VLANs and VDOMS in both NAT/Route and
Transparent mode. Includes detailed examples.
Fortinet Knowledge Center
The knowledge center contains troubleshooting and how-to articles, FAQs,
technical notes, and more. Visit the Fortinet Knowledge Center at
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation
Please send information about any errors or omissions in this document, or any
Fortinet technical documentation, to
Customer service and technical support
Fortinet Technical Support provides services designed to make sure that your
Fortinet systems install quickly, configure easily, and operate reliably in your
to learn about the technical support services that Fortinet provides.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Customer service and technical support
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrade Notes
Backing up configuration files
Upgrade Notes
Before downloading FortiOS 3.0, it is recommended that you read this chapter to
learn about on the new features and/or changes to existing features with the
operating system. This chapter describes these changes and features, new to
FortiOS 3.0.
We recommend also reviewing the FortiGate CLI Reference guide for the new
and revised CLI commands as well as the FortiGate Administration Guide.
This section includes the following:
Backing up configuration files
You now have the option to backup configuration files with or without encryption. If
you back up without encrypting the file, the FortiGate unit saves the file in a clear
text format. VPN certificates are saved only when selecting the encrypted setting.
Setup Wizard
The setup wizard is discontinued.
FortiLog name change
The FortiLog logging appliance has been renamed to FortiAnalyzer for version
3.0. The name change better reflects the product’s more robust reporting and
logging features.
LCD display changes
After upgrading to FortiOS 3.0, FortiGate units with an LCD screen will display the
following main menus:
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Web-based manager changes
Upgrade Notes
Figure 1: LCD main menu settings for NAT/Route mode
Menu [ Fortigat -> ]
NAT, Standalone
Figure 2: LCD main menu setting for Transparent mode
Menu [ Fortigat -> ]
Transparent, Standalone
Web-based manager changes
The system dashboard in FortiOS 3.0 has been enhanced, with various system
information now categorized and additional features added to better monitor your
FortiGate unit.
Figure 3: System Dashboard of a FortiGate-60
Serial Number
Up Time
The FortiGate device’s serial number.
The amount in days, hours and minutes the
FortiGate device has been running.
System Time
Host Name
The day, month, and time the FortiGate device has
for its specified time zone.
The name of the FortiGate device. Select Update
to change the host name.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrade Notes
Changes to the web-based manager
Firmware Version The current firmware version. Select Update to
install new firmware.
Operation Mode
The mode the FortiGate device is running in.
Select Update to change the operation mode.
CPU usage
The CPU usage amount in percent.
Memory usage
The amount of memory used in percent.
The history of these and other resources is available by selecting the
History icon in the top right-hand corner of the System Resources
Support Contract
The expiry date and version of your support
The subscriptions you have for your FortiGate
device and displays whether they are current,
need updating or when they will expire.
Alert Message
Displays system alert messages. These messages
display any firmware upgrades or downgrades and
if the system restarted. The console also displays
an alert message if the antivirus engine is low on
memory for a specific time period.
Displays detail statistics for the content archive
and attack logs.
The FortiGate image in the upper-right-hand corner of the web-based manager,
displays the status of the unit’s port settings. When you hover your mouse over a
port, it displays the port name, IP/Netmask address, link status, speed, including
the number of packets sent and received. The port appears gray if it is not
connected, and green if the port is connected. The FortiAnalyzer image is gray
when the FortiGate unit is not connected to a FortiAnalyzer unit.
Changes to the web-based manager
In FortiOS 3.0, there are several features that have merged with other features.
If you need additional information on these new features, see FortiGate
Administration Guide.
Command Line Interface changes
The Command Line Interface (CLI) commands have changed and additional
commands added. See the FortiGate CLI Reference for more information.
Also, some FortiOS 2.80MR11 web-based manager features have been moved to
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
USB support
Upgrade Notes
USB support
The USB is supported in FortiOS 3.0. The FortiUSB key (purchased separately)
enables you to backup configuration files and restore backed up configuration
files. You can even configure the FortiGate unit to automatically install a firmware
image and restore configuration settings on a system reboot using the FortiUSB
For more information, see the Install Guide for your FortiGate unit.
The following FortiGate units support the FortiUSB key:
Note: The FortiGate unit only supports the FortiUSB key, available from Fortinet.
The following are other issues you should be aware of not included in the above
Antivirus scanning, blocking and quarantine is available for instant messaging
file transfers with AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ.
The Antivirus monitor is configured in the CLI.
Calendar date is represented in YYYY-MM-DD format.
If the daylight savings time feature is enabled, you need to manually reset the
system clock when daylight savings time ends.
“Report Bug to Fortinet” link is only available in the CLI.
FDS Registration Link is accessed by selecting System > Status > License
Information > Support Contract.
Internet browsing for IPSec now requires two policies.
Web Filter/AntiSpam list are now specific to each protection profile. This is only
for FortiGate-800 units and above.
Administration access for a VLAN interface in a virtual domain is unavailable in
the web-based manager. Use the get system interface <VLAN>
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrade Notes
WLAN upgrades are unsuccessfully since during the upgrade process the
wireless daemon is turned off to conserve memory.
Certain IPS group settings are not carried forward. You need to manually
configure these settings after upgrading.
Lists from FortiOS 2.80MR11 cannot be restored in FortiOS 3.0. Make sure to
document these lists before upgrading. If you upgrade using the web-based
manager, these lists may carry forward. Use both the web-based manager and
CLI to verify these lists carried forward if you upgraded using the web-based
See the Release Notes FortiOS 3.0MR1 for more information.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrade Notes
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
New features and changes
There are several new features included in FortiOS 3.0, as well as changes to
existing features. This chapter outlines the new features as well as the changes.
Before you proceed to upgrade your FortiGate unit, it is recommended you review
this document and the following documents to familiarize yourself the new
features and changes.
FortiGate Administration Guide
FortiGate CLI Reference
The following topics are included in this section:
Note: Configuration of settings in the following menus are unchanged unless otherwise
The System menu consists of the following:
Note: The DHCP menu is not included since its unchanged from FortiOS v2.80MR11.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The Status page displays the System Dashboard. The System Dashboard is
categorized and five new items have been added:
CPU, memory usage statistics history
FortiGuard Subscription-based services and license information
Image of the FortiGate unit’s port status settings
Image of a FortiAnalyzer unit and its connectivity status to the FortiGate unit
An AV/IPS/Content statistics summary table.
The System Dashboard also displays a login monitor that displays how many
administrators are logged in. This feature provides administrators (with system
configuration write access profiles) to disconnect other admin users, if required.
You can even refresh the FortiGate system and shutdown the FortiGate unit from
on the System Dashboard.
The Sessions information is now located in System > Status > Statistics.
The Network tab appears in the System menu. Modem settings for the
FortiGate-60, FortiWiFi-60, and the FortiGate-50A are only available through the
CLI. See the FortiGate CLI Reference for more information.
The Options tab now has Dead Gateway Detection, previously in
System > Config > Options.
The tabs for this menu have changed. The Time tab information is now located in
System > Status > System Information > System Time.
The Options tab is now available in System > Admin > Settings. This tab also
includes Virtual Domain Configuration, Web Administration Ports, including Web
Administration. The Web Administration is now called Language.
HA, SNMP v1/v2c and Replacement Messages tabs are still in the Config menu.
Operation Mode is available from this menu, and can also be found in
System > System Information > Operation Mode.
The FortiManager tab has moved to the Admin menu.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The Admin menu includes two new tabs along with the previous tabs, the
Administrators and Access Profile.
In the Administrators tab, you can configure an access profile while configuring a
new administrator.
The FortiManager tab is now located in the Admin menu. The Settings tab is also
new to the Admin menu.
The Maintenance menu now has only two tabs, Backup and Restore and
FortiGuard Center.
The Backup and Restore tab has several new options available for backing up
and restoring configuration files. From this tab you can backup, or restore, a
configuration file and select to encrypt the configuration file. You also select your
Local PC or FortiUSB key (if supported by the FortiGate unit) to backup or restore
your configuration files. The Backup and Restore tab also features an Advanced
option, enabling you to use the FortiUSB key for automatically installing a
configuration file or image file if the system restarts. You can also import CLI
Also, there is a Download Debug log option. You can download an encrypted
debug log to a file and then send it to Fortinet Technical Support to help diagnose
problems with your FortiGate unit.
Figure 4: Backup and Restore page
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The FortiGuard Center, previously the Update Center, displays several options for
enabling the FortiGate unit to connect to the Fortinet Distribution Network (FDN),
and for updating antivirus and attack definitions. You can also test the availability
of FortiGuard services from this page.
Figure 5: FortiGuard Center page
The following tabs are no longer in the Maintenance menu:
Support tab is no longer available.
Shutdown is now located on System > Status > System Operation.
Virtual Domain
This menu is now an option in System > Admin > Settings. When you enable
this option, you must log back into the web-based manager to configure VDOM
settings. Both the web-based manager and CLI change as follows to reflect
Global and per VDOM configurations are separated
only admin administrator accounts can view or configure global options
admin administrator accounts can configure all VDOM configurations
admin administrator accounts can connect through any interface in the root
admin administrator accounts can connect through any interface that belongs
to a VDOM that a regular administration account has been assigned
a regular administration account can only configure the VDOM it is assigned to
and access the FortiGate interface belonging to that VDOM
a regular administration account can create a VLAN subinterface in its own
VDOM on a physical interface in its own VDOM
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
an administration account with access profile that provides read and write
access to
only the admin administrator account can configure a VDOM unless you create
and assign a regular administrator to that VDOM
The Router menu consists of the following menus:
The Static menu has two tabs, Policy Route and Static Route. The Policy Route
tab was previously a menu in the Router menu.
The Dynamic menu is new and includes four tabs to configure Routing Information
Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol
(BGP), and Multicast protocols.
Dynamic routing protocols enable the FortiGate unit to automatically share
information about routes with neighboring routers, including learning about routers
and networks advertised by neighboring routers.
RIP protocol is a distance-vector routing protocol for small networks, or similar
OSPF is slightly different, and is a link-state routing protocol, most often used
in large networks to share networking information among the routers in the
same autonomous system.
BGP is an Internet routing protocol, typically used by ISPs to exchange routing
information between different ISP networks. For example, a BGP enables the
sharing of network paths between the ISP network and an autonomous system
that uses RIP and/or OSPF to route packets within the autonomous system.
Multicast enables the FortiGate unit to operate as a Protocol Independent
Multicast (PIM) version 2 router in the root virtual domain. The PIM routers
throughout the network ensure only one copy of the packet is forwarded until it
reaches an end-point destination and at this destination copies of the packet
are made only when required to deliver the information to multicast client
applications requesting traffic destined for the multicast address.
Note: The following are now in the CLI:
Distribution list
Offset list
Pre-fix list
Access list
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The Routing Monitor tab displays the entries in the FortiGate routing table. You
can apply a filter to display certain routes to search for specific routing protocols.
The Firewall menu consists of the following menus:
The Policy menu is very similar to the menu in FortiOS 2.80MR11. However, there
is no advanced option when you are creating a new policy. Also, there is
authentication and traffic shaping checkboxes along with two additional options,
Protection Profile and Log Allowed Traffic.
When you select Traffic Shaping, you can then select guaranteed bandwidth,
maximum bandwidth, and the traffic priority.
The Address menu now has the option to select the type of address you are
creating. The type of address can be Subnet/IP Range or Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN).
Note: The FQDN should be used with caution, since it presents security risks.
The Custom tab has a new look in the Service menu. From the Custom tab, you
can add as many TCP/UDP protocols that you need to the custom service.
Virtual IP
The Virtual IP has additional options and the IP Pool menu is now a tab included
in this menu.
Protection Profiles
The Protection Profiles menu has two additional options for you to select from, the
IM/P2P and Logging option.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The VPN menu contains the following menus:
The VPN menu has several significant changes for FortiOS 3.0. Configuration of
VPNs has also significantly changed. It is recommended you read the Release
Notes FortiOS 3.0MR1 to review known issues and changes for configuring
Note: VPN settings may need to be reconfigured after you upgrade to FortiOS 3.0. Also,
VPN IPSec Phase 2 settings source and destination ports are reset to zero during the
Note: The CLI command auto-negotiatereplaces the Ping generator feature. The
auto-negotiateis disabled by default and is available for both IPSec tunnels in the
IPSec Phase 2 configuration for both IPSec tunnels.
The IPSec menu has changed to reflect the way you configure VPNs. Phase 1
and Phase 2 tabs are merged with the new AutoKey (IKE) tab. The Ping
Generator tab is now available in the CLI. See the FortiGate CLI Reference for
more information.
The SSL menu is new for FortiOS 3.0. There are two tabs, Config and Monitor
where you can configure SSL VPNs and monitor
The Secure Socket Layer uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to
encrypt data, a public key and private key.
If you require SSL version 2 encryption for compatibility with older browsers, you
can enable this protocol through the CLI, in the VPN chapter. See the FortiGate
CLI Reference for more information on SSL. Also, you can enable the use of
digital certificates for authenticating remote clients.
The Certificates menu has a new tab, Certificate Revocation List (CRL). The
FortiGate unit uses CRLs to ensure certificates belonging to CAs and remote
clients are valid.
From the CRL tab you can also import these types of certificates. It is important to
periodically retrieve certificate revocation lists from CA web sites to ensure clients
that have revoked certificates cannot establish a connection with the FortiGate
Note: After downloading a CRL from a CA web site, save the CRL on a computer that has
management access to the FortiGate unit.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The User menu consists of the following menus:
The Local menu is unchanged.
The Radius menu is unchanged.
The LDAP menu is unchanged. However, it now has the Common Name Identifier,
Distinguished Name, and Server Port fields on the LDAP page. The Server Secret
field is now located in the CLI, under Radius in the User chapter. See the
FortiGate CLI Reference for more information.
Windows AD
The Windows AD menu, new for FortiOS 3.0, enables you to configure your
FortiGate unit on a Windows Active Directory (AD) network so it can transparently
authenticate the user without asking for their username and password.
From the Windows AD menu, you can create a new Windows AD server and
delete, edit or refresh the server.
User Group
The User Group menu is unchanged. However, you can now choose the type of
user group from the following:
Active Directory
You can also select the FortiGuard Web Filtering Override option on the User
Group page to enable your FortiGate unit to allow FortiGuard web filtering
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The Antivirus menu is now located below the User menu. It consists of the
following menus:
File Pattern
The File Pattern menu has changed. The columns on the File Pattern page are
now Pattern, Action and Enable. When you select Create New, you can select the
pattern, type of action to take (either Block or Allow) and whether the new file
pattern should be enabled or disabled.
The Quarantine menu is new to the Antivirus menu. It contains two tabs,
Quarantined Files and Config. The Quarantined Files tab displays the information
of each file, displaying why the file was blocked. You can also filter the files by file
name, date, service, status, and status description.
The Config tab displays a list of current viruses the FortiGate unit has blocked and
you can configure file and email size limits, including grayware blocking.
Note: You need to be connected to the FortiAnalyzer unit to configure file and email size
limits, including grayware blocking.
The Config menu includes the Virus List and Grayware tabs. The Config tab is
now located in the CLI under Antivirus Service. See the FortiGate CLI Reference
for more information.
Intrusion Protection (formerly IPS)
The Intrusion Protection menu consists of the following menus:
Note: Make sure to document all FortiOS 2.80 IPS group settings before upgrading to
FortiOS 3.0, since certain IPS group settings are not carried forward and must be
configured manually. See the Release Notes FortiOS 3.0MR1 for more information.
The Signature menu is unchanged. However, you can now view the severity level
of pre-defined signatures and custom signatures. Also, you can reset the pre-
defined signatures to their default settings if you changed them.
When creating new custom signatures on the Custom page, you can specify the
severity level for the custom signature.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Web Filter
New features and changes
The Anomaly menu detects and identifies network traffic that attempts to take
advantage of known exploits.
When you are creating a new anomaly, you can now specify the severity, and
instead of selecting Logging, you now select Packet Log. The field called
Parameters is no longer available.
Protocol Decoder
The Protocol Decoder menu, new for FortiOS 3.0 displays protocol anomalies for
logging purposes. You can enable or disable logging for a protocol anomaly, and
configure the IPS action in response to detecting an anomaly. If you require to
revert back to default settings, you can select the Reset icon.
You can use the CLI to configure session control based on source and destination
address. The protocol anomaly list is updated when the firmware image is
Web Filter
The Web Filter menu consists of the following menus. It is now located under
Intrusion Protection.
Note: The lists you configured in FortiOS 2.80 may carry forward to FortiOS 3.0 if you
upgrade using the web-based manager. Make sure to document these lists for reference to
verify after the upgrade is successful. See the Release Notes for FortiOS 3.0MR1 for more
Content Block
The Content Block menu has a new tab called Web Content Exempt.
URL Filter
The URL Filter menu allows or blocks access to specific URLs. You can also add
patterns or expressions to allow or block URLs. The URL Filter menu has Web
URL Block tab and Web Pattern Block tab.
In FortiOS v2.80MR11, URL Filter used to be URL Block. Web Filter is now
merged with URL Filter.
FortiGuard-Web Filter
The FortiGuard-Web Filter menu, formerly under Web Filter > Category Block >
Configuration, is now its own menu in the Web Filter menu.
The FortiGuard-Web is a managed web filtering solution provided by Fortinet,
sorting hundreds of millions of web pages into a wide range of categories for users
to allow, block, or monitor.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
AntiSpam (formerly Spam Filter)
The FortiGuard-Web Filter menu contains the Override tab, Local Categories tab
and Local Ratings tab. On FortiGate units with a hard disk, you can create reports
from the Reports tab.
The Override tab provides administrators with flexibility and control when blocking
web pages. Administrators can configure override rules that allow users to access
blocked web pages, if required. Administrators can also create user-defined
categories to allow users to block groups of URLs on a per-profile basis.
From the Local Ratings tab you can configure local ratings to specify whether the
local rating is used in conjunction with the FortiGate rating or is used as an
override. The Local Categories tab allows you to specify user-defined categories
and then specify the URLs that belong to the category.
AntiSpam (formerly Spam Filter)
The Antispam menu consists of the following menus:
You can configure additional features for FortiGate-800 units and above. In the
Banned word list you can:
create new antispam banned word list
view antispam banned word catalog
You can also configure the following for the FortiGate-800 and above in the
Black/White list:
add multiple email address lists
create new antispam email address list
create new antispam IP address list
view antispam IP address list catalog
The previous options available from the web-based manager in
FortiOS v2.80MR11, are now available in the CLI. See the FortiGate CLI
Reference for more information. This includes FortiGuard AntiSpam, IP Address,
DNSBL and ORDBL, MIME Headers, and Email Address.
If the MIME header check is enabled for POP3, IMAP or SMTP, and any change is
made to the Protection Profile, such as IP address check, banned word check or
logging oversized files (enabled through the web-based manager), the MIME
header check is disabled.
Also, the “clear” action for banned words in an email is now available in the CLI to
support upgrade. Since the “clear” action is no longer a valid spam action in
FortiOS 3.0, avoid using it when configuring banned words.
Note: The Black/White lists are not separate. You may need to re-enable MIME Headers
when you upgrade to FortiOS 3.0.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
IM/P2P (new)
New features and changes
Banned word
The Banned word menu still controls spam by blocking email messages
containing specific words or patterns. The Action column on the Banned Word
page is now Score, and is reflected when configuring a new banned word.
Score is a numerical weighting applied to banned word. If the score is greater than
the spamwordthreshold value set in the protection profile, the page is processed
according to whether the spam action command for the mail traffic type (for
example smtp3-spamaction) is set to pass or tag in the protection profile. The
score for the banned word is counted once even if the word appears multiple
times in the web page.
Black/White list
The Black/White list menu provides a way to filter incoming email if enabled in the
protection profile. The FortiGate unit uses both an IP address list and email list for
filtering purposes.
The FortiGate unit compares the IP address of the message’s sender to the IP
address in sequence when doing an IP address list check. If the FortiGate unit
finds a match, the action associated with the IP address is taken. If there is no
match, then the message passes to the next enabled spam filter.
Email lists work the same way.
IM/P2P (new)
The IM/P2P menu consists of the following menus:
The IM/P2P menu is new for FortiOS 3.0. Since instant messaging and peer to
peer (P2P) networks have grown, FortiOS 3.0 now includes a separate menu for
these new technologies. You can control the amount of bandwidth allocated for
There are extended features with the IM/P2P menu, available in the CLI. You can
use config imp2p old-versioncommand to enable older versions of IM
protocols. These older versions of IM protocols are able to bypass file blocking
because the message types are not recognized. This command provides the
option to disable these older IM protocol versions.
The supported protocols are:
MSN 6.0 and above
ICQ 4.0 and above
AIM 5.0 and above
Yahoo 6.0 and above
Note: The FortiGate unit is unable to block Skype uses. Also, if the audio blocking feature
is enabled, instant messaging clients are still able to send/receive webcam/video traffic.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
Log & Report
The Statistics menu provides administrators with a view of instant messaging and
point to point statistics to gain insight into how these protocols are being used
within the network.
The Overview tab provides detail statistics for all IM/P2P protocols. The Protocol
tab displays statistics for current users, blocked users and users since last reset.
The User menu displays which instant messenger users are connected. Network
administrators can analyze the list and decide which users to allow or block.
The Config tab enables administrators to configure what to do with unknown
Log & Report
The Log and Report menu has a new menu, Report. Log & Report consists of the
following menus:
Log Config
The Log Config menu has a new tab, Event Log. The Event Log tab enables you
to choose the events you want logged. This menu also includes the Alert E-mail
tab. The Alert E-mail tab is the same as in FortiOS v2.80MR11, providing
immediate notification of issues occurring on the FortiGate unit, such as system
failures or network attacks.
In the Log Setting tab, you can test the connectivity between the FortiGate unit
and the FortiAnalyzer unit to check connection status.
Figure 6: Test connectivity feature in Log and Report
Also, instead of configuring the connection between the two devices, you can
enable a new feature called FortiDiscovery to automatically discover and connect
to a FortiAnalyzer unit. The FortiDiscovery feature uses HELLO packets to locate
the FortiAnalyzer unit(s) that are on the network within the same subnet.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
The web trends option and traffic filtering are now available in the CLI. See the
FortiGate CLI Reference for more information.
Logging options for various protocols and traffic is now in the Protection Profiles
Note: Log filter is now included in Firewall > Protection Profile > Logging. You can also
enable this feature in the CLI. Also, Traffic Filter is now available in the CLI. See the
FortiGate CLI Reference for more information.
Log Access
The Log Access menu has two tabs. The Memory tab displays log event types
that are logged to memory. The FortiAnalyzer tab displays log types that are
logged to the FortiAnalyzer unit.
An additional tab for Disk appears on FortiGate units with a hard disk. Use the
pull-down menu to select a different log type.
The Report menu, new to the Log and Report menu, provides you with access to
a full range of different reports from the FortiAnalyzer unit if connected.
You can choose the Basic Traffic report or access any type of FortiAnalyzer report
to display logs. The Basic Traffic report uses log information stored in the
FortiGate unit’s memory and displays the information in two types of bar graphs
on the Report Access page.
You can choose from over a thousand of FortiAnalyzer reports to display logs.
Also, you can customize a default report for your FortiGate unit.
You can also select what you want included in your report from Newsgroups to
There are significant changes, including new features, for high availability in
FortiOS 3.0. The most significant change for HA is virtual clustering, where you
can configure HA for individual virtual domains. The virtual clustering can handle
two FortiGate units per virtual cluster.
The FortiGate Administration Guide (System Config chapter, HA section),
FortiGate CLI Reference (system chapter, ha section), and the FortiGate online
help provides additional information on changes to existing features and new
features in FortiOS 3.0.
In the System menu, HA is now a tab in System > Config > HA. You can
configure HA settings for your FortiGate unit from this tab. However, Unit Priority
setting is now Device Priority and Override Master is now enabled by default.
Note: The FortiGate High Availability (HA) Guide will be available soon.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
New features and changes
SNMP MIBs and traps changes
Upgrading the HA cluster for FortiOS 3.0
The following procedure will help you upgrade a FortiOS 2.80 HA cluster to
FortiOS 3.0.
You can use either the web-based manager or the execute restore image
CLI command and a TFTP server to upgrade the cluster.
To upgrade the cluster
Backup the configurations of the primary unit. See “Backing up your configuration”
Install the firmware image on the primary unit.
This may take a few minutes since the primary unit will upgrade the subordinate
units as well. The FortiGate units in the cluster will reboot once or twice during the
Note: The primary/subordinate roles may change during the upgrade, if HA override is not
enabled before upgrading.
SNMP MIBs and traps changes
In FortiOS 3.0 the trap file is combined into the MIB file - there is only one MIB file
to download and install to your SNMP management system.
SNMP traps and variables that used hyphens (for example xxx-yyy) have dropped
the hyphen and capitalized the second term (xxxYyy).
The v3.0 MIB file also has more in-depth descriptions, and supports models. To
see these changes, contact Fortinet technical support to obtain the MIB file.
In-depth SNMP trap changes
The following table displays trap name changes, including additional trap names
for FortiOS 3.0.
FortiOS v3.0 trap name / status
No longer available
FortiOS v2.8 trap name / status
No longer available
No longer available
In-depth MIB file name changes
The following table displays trap name changes, including additional trap names
for FortiOS 3.0.
FortiOS v3.0
trap name / status
FortiOS v2.8
trap name / status
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
SNMP MIBs and traps changes
New features and changes
No longer available
No longer available
No longer available
Management fnManSysSerial
Administrator fnAdminTable
No longer available
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
Backing up your configuration
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
Before you begin upgrading to FortiOS 3.0, it is recommended that you first
review this chapter as well as the release notes so you can be fully aware of these
new features and changes.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Note: You can now configure the FortiGate unit to perform NAT functions in Transparent
mode if you network configuration requires this particular network scenario. See the
Release Notes FortiOS 3.0MR1 for more information.
Backing up your configuration
Fortinet recommends that you back up all configuration settings from your
FortiGate unit(s) before upgrading to FortiOS 3.0.
Use the following procedures to backup your configuration file(s) for
FortiOS v2.80MR11 in either the web-based manager or the CLI.
Note: Always backup your configuration before upgrading to a current firmware version, or
when resetting to factory defaults.
Backing up your configuration using the web-based manager
Use the following procedure to backup your current configuration in the
web-based manager.
To backup your configuration file using the web-based manager
Go to System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore.
For All Configuration Files, select the Backup icon.
Select OK.
Save the file.
Note: You can enter a password to encrypt the configuration file when backing up.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrading your FortiGate unit
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
Backing up your configuration using the CLI
Use the following procedure to backup up your current configuration in the CLI.
To backup your configuration file using the CLI
Backup the configuration file. Enter:
execute backup allconfig <filename> <address_ip>
This may take a few minutes.
After successfully backing up your configuration file(s), either from the CLI or the
web-based manager, proceed with the upgrade to FortiOS 3.0.
Upgrading your FortiGate unit
You can upgrade to FortiOS 3.0 using either the web-based manager or CLI. Use
the following procedures to upgrade your existing firmware version to
FortiOS 3.0.
If upgrading to FortiOS 3.0 is unsuccessful, go to “Reverting to FortiOS
v2.80MR11” on page 37 to downgrade to FortiOS 2.80MR11. If your upgrade is
successful and your FortiGate unit has a hard-drive, you can use the Boot
alternate firmware option located on the Backup and Restore page. This option
enables you to have two firmware images, such as FortiOS 2.80MR11 and
FortiOS 3.0, for downgrading/upgrading purposes. Use the Fortinet Knowlege
dual-boot/configuration for your FortiGate unit.
You may need to reconfigure some configuration settings in FortiOS 3.0. See the
Release Notes FortiOS 3.0MR1 for more information.
Note: Make sure you have upgraded to FortiOS v2.80MR11 before upgrading to
FortiOS 3.0.
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
This section describes the procedures for upgrading to FortiOS 3.0 using either
the web-based manager or CLI.
Upgrading using the web-based manager
You can use the web-based manager to upgrade to FortiOS 3.0. Use the following
procedure for upgrading to FortiOS 3.0.
Note: Before proceeding, make sure you back up your configuration. Also, it is
recommended you use the CLI to upgrade to FortiOS 3.0. However, a TFTP upgrade
reverts all current firewall configurations to factory default settings. Use the web-based
manager if you want to carry forward certain FortiOS 2.80MR11 settings.
To upgrade to FortiOS 3.0 using the web-based manager
Copy the firmware image file to your management computer.
Log into the web-based manager.
Go to System > Status > Unit Information.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
Upgrading your FortiGate unit
Under Unit Information, select Update.
Type the path and filename of the firmware image file, or select Browse and locate
the file.
Select OK.
The FortiGate unit uploads the firmware image file, upgrades to the new firmware
version, restarts, and displays the FortiGate login. This process may take a few
Once the upgrade is successfully installed:
Ping to your FortiGate unit to verify there is still a connection.
Clear the browser’s cache and log into the web-based manager.
After logging back into the web-based manager, you should save your
configuration settings that carried forward. Some settings may have carried
forward from FortiOS 2.80MR11, while others may not have such as certain IPS
group settings. Go to System > Maintenance > Backup and Restore to save the
configuration settings that carried forward.
Note: After upgrading to FortiOS 3.0, perform an “Update Now” to retrieve the latest
AV/NIDS signatures from the FortiGuard Distribution Network (FDN) as the signatures
included in the firmware may be older than those currently available on the FDN.
Upgrading using the CLI
Use the following procedures to upgrade to FortiOS 3.0 in the CLI.
To upgrade to FortiOS 3.0 using the CLI
Make sure the TFTP server is running.
Copy the new firmware image file to the root directory of the TFTP server.
Log into the CLI.
Make sure the FortiGate unit can connect to the TFTP server
You can use the following command to ping the computer running the TFTP
server. For example, if the IP address of the TFTP server is
execute ping
Enter the following command to copy the firmware image from the TFTP server to
the FortiGate unit:
execute restore image <name_str> <tftp_ip4>
When <name_str> is the name of the firmware image file and <tftp_ip>is the
IP address of the TFTP server. For example, if the firmware image file name is
image.out and the IP address of the TFTP server er is, enter:
execute restore image.out
The FortiGate unit responds with a message similar to the following:
This operation will replace the current firmware version!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Type y.
The FortiGate unit uploads the firmware image file, upgrades to the new firmware
version, and restarts. This process takes a few minutes.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Upgrading your FortiGate unit
Upgrading to FortiOS 3.0
Reconnect to the CLI.
To confirm the firmware image is successfully installed, enter:
get system status
Update antivirus and attack definitions (see the FortiGate Administration Guide),
or from the CLI, enter:
execute update-now
Verifying the upgrade
After logging back into the web-based manager, you will notice your
FortiOS v2.80MR11 configuration settings have been carried forward. For
example, if you go to System > Network > Options you can see your DNS
settings carried forward from your FortiOS v2.80MR11 configuration settings.
Even though your configuration settings have carried forward, you should verify
these settings. Verifying your settings also gives you an opportunity to familiarize
yourself with the new features and changes in FortiOS 3.0.
You can verify your configuration settings by:
going through each menu and tab in the web-based manager
using the showshell command in the CLI
Also, check to make sure the administrative access settings you configured for
your FortiGate unit were carried forward.
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Backing up your FortiOS 3.0 configuration
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
You may need to revert to a pervious firmware version if the upgrade did not install
successfully. The following sections will help you to backup your current
FortiOS 3.0 configuration, downgrade to FortiOS v2.80MR11, and restore your
FortiOS v2.80MR11 configuration.
The following topics are included in this section:
Backing up your FortiOS 3.0 configuration
If you have configured additional settings in FortiOS 3.0, it is recommended that
you back up your FortiOS 3.0 configuration before downgrading to FortiOS
v2.80MR11. This ensures you have a current configuration file for FortiOS 3.0 if
you decide to upgrade.
Use the following procedure to backup your configuration onto your PC.
To backup your configuration to your PC
Go to System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore.
Select Local PC from Backup Configuration to list.
If you want to encrypt your configuration file to save VPN certificates, select the
Encrypt configuration file checkbox and enter a password, then enter it again to
Select Apply.
Backing up to a FortiUSB key
You can also backup your FortiOS 3.0 configuration to the FortiUSB key. Before
proceeding, ensure the FortiUSB key is inserted in the FortiGate unit USB port.
Use the following procedure to backup your configuration onto your FortiUSB.
Note: Always make sure the FortiGate unit is shutdown and powered off when you insert
the FortiUSB key into the key into the FortiGate unit’s USB port.
To backup your configuration using the FortiUSB key
Go to System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore.
Select USB Disk from Backup Configuration to list.
If you want to encrypt your configuration file to save VPN certificates, select the
Encrypt configuration file checkbox and enter a password, then enter it again to
Select Apply.
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Downgrading to FortiOS v2.80MR11 using web-based manager
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Downgrading to FortiOS v2.80MR11 using web-based manager
When you downgrade to FortiOS v2.80MR11, only the following settings are
Operation mode
Interface IP/Management IP
Route static table
DNS settings
VDOM parameters/settings
Admin user account
Session helpers
System accprofiles
Use the following procedure to downgrade to FortiOS v2.80MR11 in the
web-based manager. If you have created additional settings in FortiOS 3.0, make
sure you back up your configuration before downgrading. See for more “Backing
up your FortiOS 3.0 configuration” on page 37 information.
To downgrade using the web-based manager
Go to System > Status > Firmware Version.
Select Update.
Type the location of the firmware version or select Browse.
Select OK.
The following message appears:
The new image does not support CC mode. Do you want to
continue to upgrade?
Select OK.
The following message appears:
This version will downgrade the current firmware version.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Select OK.
The FortiGate unit uploads the firmware image file, reverts to the old firmware
version, resets the configuration, restarts, and displays the FortiGate login. This
process takes a few minutes.
Log into the web-based manager.
Go to System > Unit Information to verify the Firmware Version has changed to
FortiOS v2.80MR11.
Verifying the downgrade
After successfully downgrading to FortiOS 2.80MR11, verify your connections and
settings. If you are unable to connect to the web-based manager, make sure your
administration access settings and internal network IP address are correct. The
downgrade may change your configuration settings to default settings.
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Downgrading to FortiOS v2.80MR11 using web-based manager
Downgrading to FortiOS v2.80MR11 using the CLI
Use the following procedure to downgrade to FortiOS v2.80MR11 in the CLI. If
you have created additional settings in FortiOS 3.0, make sure you back up your
configuration before downgrading. See “Backing up your FortiOS 3.0
configuration” on page 37 for more information.
To downgrade using the CLI
Make sure the TFTP server is running.
Copy the firmware image file to the root directory of the TFTP server.
Log into the FortiGate CLI.
Make sure the FortiGate unit can connect to the TFTP server.
You can use the following command to ping the computer running the TFTP
server. For example, if the TFTP server’s IP address is
execute ping
Enter the following command to copy the firmware image from the TFTP server to
the FortiGate unit:
execute restore image tftp <name_str> <tftp_ipv4>
Where <name_str> is the name of the firmware image file and <tftp_ipv4>
is the IP address of the TFTP server. For example, if the firmware image file name
is image.out and the IP address of the TFTP server er is, enter:
execute restore image tftp image.out
The FortiGate unit responds with the message:
This operation will replace the current firmware version! Do
you want to continue? (y/n)
Type y.
The FortiGate unit uploads the firmware image file. After the file uploads, a
message similar to the following is displayed:
Get image from tftp server OK.
Check image OK.
This operation will downgrade the current firmware version!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Type y.
The FortiGate unit reverts to the old firmware version, resets the configuration to
factory defaults, and restarts. This process takes a few minutes.
After the FortiGate unit uploads the firmware, you will need to reconfigure your IP
address since the FortiGate unit reverts to default settings, including its default IP
address. See your install guide for configuring IP addresses.
Reconnect to the CLI.
To confirm the new firmware image has been loaded, enter:
get system status
configuration settings.
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Restoring your configuration
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Restoring your configuration
Your configuration settings may not have carried over after you have downgraded
to FortiOS v2.80MR11. You can restore your configuration settings for
FortiOS v2.80MR11 with the configuration file(s) you saved before upgrading to
FortiOS 3.0.
Restoring your configuration settings using the web-based manager
You can restore the FortiOS v2.80MR11 configuration settings using the
web-based manager. Use the following procedure to restore these settings.
To restore configuration settings using the web-based manager
Log into the web-based manager.
Go to System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore.
Select the Restore icon for All Configuration Files.
If required, enter your password for the configuration file.
Type the location of the file or select Browse to locate the file.
Select OK.
The FortiGate unit restores the configuration settings for FortiOS v2.80MR11. This
may take a few minutes since the FortiGate unit will reboot.
To verify the configuration settings are restored, log into the web-based manager
and go through the menus and tabs and verify the settings are restored.
Restoring your configuration settings using the CLI
You can restore the FortiOS v2.80MR11 configuration settings using the CLI. Use
the following procedure to restore these settings.
To restore configuration settings using the CLI
Make sure the TFTP server is running.
Copy the backup configuration file to the root directory of the TFTP server.
Log into the TFTP server.
Make sure the FortiGate unit can connect to the TFTP server.
You can use the following command to ping the computer running the TFTP
server. For example, if the TFTP server’s IP address is
execute ping
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Restoring your configuration
Enter the following command to copy the backup configuration file to restore the
file on the FortiGate unit:
execute restore allconfig <name_str> <tftp_ipv4> <passwrd>
Where <name_str>is the name of the backup configuration file and
<tftp_ipv4> is the IP address of the TFTP server and <passwrd>is the
password you entered when you backup your configuration settings. For example,
if the backup configuration file is confall and the IP address of the TFTP server
is and the password is ghrffdt123:
execute restore allconfig confall ghrffdt123
The FortiGate unit responds with the message:
This operation will overwrite the current settings and the
system will reboot!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Type y.
The FortiGate unit uploads the backup configuration file. After the file uploads, a
message, similar to the following, is displayed:
Getting file confall from tftp server
Restoring files...
All done. Rebooting...
This may take a few minutes.
Use the showshell command to verify your settings are restored, or log into the
web-based manager.
configuration settings.
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
Restoring your configuration
Reverting to FortiOS v2.80MR11
Update Guide for FortiOS v3.0
intrusion protection
LCD display
backing up
new features and changes
FortiGate documentation
System Dashboard
IM/P2P menu
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
system menu
web filter
Upgrade Guide for FortiOS v3.0
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